For what's it worth, my next project will be a Hawkins rifle using a piece of Claro Walnut that a friend (Tony Montoya) of mine gave me. There is enough wood for a Hawkins rifle stock and two pistols (flintlock). At this point in time I rather doubt I'll do another flintlock rifle as I've finally built what I want.

These images show: The Delux Siler lock with an original flint from the period; the possible bag, powder measure, pan brush and vent pick, and Buffalo powder horn that I made a year or so ago; and the incised carving on the butt of the rifle. I didn't remember to take photographs of the barrel browning process nor cutting the slots for the sights and barrel lugs. For me this is a comfortable and rather lightweight rifle that will be fun to shoot.
That is a beautiful stock. I really like the way you stained it.